Charles Clayton Howe - Online Memorial Website

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Charles Howe
Born in South Carolina
23 years
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Anna and Mitzi

We met Clayton at our cousins house.We use to stay over there all summer and always thought of Clay,Frank,Joe,Matt and John as the hot guys in Kay Acres.We had a lot of good times then some I miss alot.I really wish we could of stay in touch more. But, thanks Clay for all the good times we did share back in the day..I still remember that saying you always said "thats so Gay" I still talk about you saying that day at the power poles.You were always the funny one out of the group...We will miss you.RIP Clay..

                                  Your Friends Always,

                                           Anna and Mitzi

Joseph Joy
Me, Clay, Frank, and Matt all were friends during higschool. Although it was Kay Acres where Clay and I first became friends....Clay and his brother went knock knockn on peoples doors and they ended up doing my house because I was new to the neighborhood. For some strange reason they did my house, got away, but came back and we'd been friends every since. Through all the good times and the bad....all the trouble we ALL each individually got into, we all managed to keep in touch. No matter how much time passed or where our lives may have taken us. Thats what made us such good friends. Ill miss you Clay, I mean that with all my heart. Love you bro.
Joseph Joy
Jesi Rowland
For the most part I know Clay from school and we lived close by each other. I always thought of Clay (and Frank) as the brothers I never had. I remember we all used to walk around Kay Acres for hours together, just talking. I wish I could have kept in touch. Thanks Clay for the great memories, you will be missed.
I Remember:
*When you were a baby the only way I could get you to nap was to rub your back and sing Amazing Grace to you til you fell asleep.
*When you were two , waking up to you and your brother leaning on the bed staring at me with a can of oysters in your little hands wanting Oyster Stew for breakfast and me telling you it took a LONG time to make O.Stew and getting you you eat a bowl of cereal while I boiled a pan of water, and THEN making your stew for lunch for you.
*You riding that Power-Wheels truck down the drive way with your hair flying back and the biggest smile in the world on your face because you loved "driving" fast. I remember being so scared I threw the truck in the dumpster and you crying to your big bubba,Frank, when he came home from kindergarden and him getting it out of the dumpster for you and promising me that he would make sure you didn't ride it down that steep hill anymore. And you didn't.
*You never left home without hugging and kissing me and telling me you loved me- even when you was mad at me.
*The week you and I BOTH had an allergic reaction when we ate some chocolate.
*Our trips to Gatlinburg and that there was nothing you didn't want to try.
*How you hated my "Christmas Stick" as you called my slim tree and how you said it just wasn't a "mama" tree and how I promised I would have a real tree from now on. I'll keep that promise baby boy, I'm sorry I ever bought that slim tree.
*When you called me and gave me the news you and Kathy were expecting.You were so nervous- and so excited at the same time. You would have been a fantastic daddy, Son. How could you have not been?
* When you bought Kathy's engagement ring. I don't think there was a moment you were more happy than when she said yes.
*How you and bubba used to cover for each other when y'all got in trouble. I tried not to punish y'all too much cause I never quite knew who REALLY did it.
*How you and Julie always wanted to open Christmas gifts on your December Birthdays. And so the tradition began of you could choose ONE from under the tree to open on your birthday. And y'all always waited til Your birthday on the 11th and all opened one together- even Frank because his birthday was in may and you never wanted him left out of anything you did. You were the best brother ever!
*Most of all I remember how you always gave me kisses and hugs no matter what age you were or how many of your friends were around and I rememeber your sweet voice and how you called me "Sweetie" instead of Mama.

For most of your life it had been you and me and Frank and Julie against the world. You were the rock baby boy and I don't know how we will learn to live without you. Our saving grace is that you will be in our hearts and memories all our lives and you will be there giving us direction and advice.

I love you, son. Be waiting for us when we come home to you.

Jeff and Tammy
I remember a nervous young man on his wedding day waiting for the love of his life at the alter. Waiting and wanting for the happiest part of his life to begin. I could see all the love he had for his bride-to-be building up in him and all the hopes and joys that were to follow.
kathy howe

Polo club, white neon, gatlinburg, atlanta bread, tears, laughter, biltmore, 11/05/04, buying our home, yard work, cody, sittin in our circle =), cars, baby, love, cuddling, warmth

Total Memories: 37
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