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Charles Howe
Born in South Carolina
23 years
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Julie Howe-Harper
There are so many memories of the greatest times ever that i cant even begin to explain. There is one thing that sticks out and bothers me even though its childish and should not bother me. When you were born i was so mad b/c you wasnt a baby sister that i refused to come see you at the hospital. Now, I would give anything in the world-even my life to be able to come see you now. Even a 10 second hug from you would mean the world to me. I am so glad that you met Kathy and chose her as your wife. You two are the perfect example of what true love is and should be. I have found the love of my life now that treats me just like you did Kathy and i had every intention of asking you to walk me down the isle when we chose to get married. Obviously God had a better purpose for you to be with him, although i dont know that he realizes how much it hurt me when he took you away. We were suppose to live our long, happy lives together and laugh and have wonderful lives together and let our children play together (which they still will) but we will never play together again, nor have another hug, nor another laugh, kiss, or even another memory to laugh about. I miss you more than you can ever imagine and i cant wait until the day that you open the gates for me to come join you. By the way before you open the gates for me, PLEASE give me the biggest, strongest, longest hug you can. I will always love you and Kathy and little Clay. I promise Clay I will see you again. I love you and miss you more than anything.
big bro frank
i remember so much that me and clay did 2 geather i dont even know where 2 start!!!   i think one of the most memorable was when i was livin with clay an kathy anwe went an got a bottle of Mezcal  (and 4 those who dont know what that is its tequila  with tha worm n  tha bottom ) tha good stuff .me and my wife and clay an kathy and kathys sister mandy and her friend all gathered up at there big ass table and started taking shots and of course me and clay being us was challengin each other and of course mandy got in onit next then kathy an marie ,well tomake a long sory short that big ass bottle didnt last long marie (my wife) crashed first and then mandy . clay kathy and me were still concious(fucked up but still doin what we do) kathy started cleaning as usual(love u kathy if ur readin this)and me and clay where still at tha table (forgive me clay )and clay desided he was gonna stand up and walk 2 his room and piss and just put it this way it didnt turn out 2 well , me and little ol kathy had 2 drag him2 tha couch near tha front door and he crashed out  me and kathy laugh or ass off and eventually we drug clay 2 his room and put him on tha bed and kathy took his shoes off and i went on 2 bed .  I MISS YOU CLAY AND I WISH YOU COULDVE COME AND PICKED ME UP LIKE U WERE PLANNING ON BUT GOD HAD TO TAKE YOU FROM US 9 HOURS BEFORE I COULD SEE YOU  AND TELL YOU THAT I LOVE YOU ONE LAST TIME . i just wanted to thank every one who came to pay there respects and every one who knew my brother . ididnt know some of you but i heard alot about every one of you. once again thank you all
kathy howe
my best memories of us is this time of the year we loved hoildays and wanted to fullfil them best as possible, we usually went to my grandparents for thanksgiving or christmas. i remember the day after thanksgiving sales u could find me and clay at walmart at 4:30 am fightin  the crowds clay hated it,but he always went without a fight because he knew i liked it and it was a tradition we had started, plus good sales, after we had all our xmas shopping done we would go to waffle house to get breakfast talk and laugh about the idiots in the store, then we'd go home and go back to sleep. i will miss that very much
hey man whats u i will naver for get the time when we kicked it at ur house when we played the game and that then i seen u at rent and roll and i could not belive u work there it was craze man and i ask u to be in krc knight  ridez u was like u wanted to but u need to get the car right and u was going to go on the car run whit us down hwy11 then u did not get to go... then that one time u asked u to get me some thing for my honda and u did i just want to ty u for get that and for u come all the way from tr to greenville to meat me to give it to me.. u was such a good friend to me and that is way i looked up to u as a brouther and u showed me that its a good thing to help ppl because it come's back in a good way and now ever time i see some one that need's help i help them u showed me that and i will naver for get u man i  love u and i hope ur ok up there and cant wait to see ur lil baby boy when he come's out he is going to be just like u and cant wait tell its my time so we can kick it agen misse u and take care love ur boy aka jj
i remember when i first met you. it was at dad and me had to go up there to do something and i dont know what it was. you were just standing in the shop when we pulled up and  that car of yours was looking so awesome. you were talking to my dad and then you started talking to me and i didnt know why cuz at first i thought you were acting like i didnt exist.
Sundays and sometimes Wednesdays Clay always tried to come visit. I tried to have sweet tea waiting for him cause he loved it so much. Sometimes he would eat lunch with us too. I remember how he loved my biscuits. I miss him so much.
I remember our very last visit. We talked about Christmas and how you all hated my Christmas Stick and how I promised you I would have a real tree from now on instead of the slim tree.
I remember watching you lying on the sofa with your head in Kathy's lap- so happy and relaxed and so full of love for her and the baby- and me.
I wish I had stayed longer. If I had only known.
I love you, Son. I miss you more every day.
I remember the first day Clay met Kathy....we were living at the Polo Club Apartments and he came home smiling from ear to ear. He went upstairs and then came back down and sat at the table while I was cooking dinner and told me..."Mama, I have met the girl I'm gonna marry..." Clay was 16 and Kathy had just moved into the apartment complex. I just laughed and said "Really?"...but from that day on he and Kathy were inseperable. He never for one second had doubts that they would be together.....except for maybe the day he showed me her engagement ring and asked me if I thought she would say yes. He was so in love with his kathy...every other sentence out of his mouth was about her. I know the day he and Kathy got married was one of the happiest of his entire life. And seeing him that happy was one of MY happiest memories as well.
kathy howe

I remember the day i meet u it was in june 2001 i had just moved here from ga.

and my family got a apartment in polo club, where at the time i never expected to meet the love of of my life just a couple of weeks later. i walked outside of my apartment finding you leaning against your white neon. my sister was there talkining to u but knew she had best leave u for me. at first we were so shy, little was said but there was alot of smiling, i remember it like yesterday, standing there looking at you i knew at that moment u was the one my true soul mate. we exchanged numbers and u called me that night we talked til 4 in the morning with out a silence. we then were unseparateable, we did everything together, u gave me piggy back rides all over the neighborhood after workin all day. sat with me at the pool and picinic tables all day. walked to ur mothers job to get her car to take me to school. i still  remember our first kiss we knew each other a while and our shyness was still there, u shy i know its crazy. we was standing outside my apartment leaning against my moms van and u grabed me and said, i'm sorry but i have got to kiss u. after that kiss our lips barely came apart. i love u  so much of course over the years we created so many memories that neither of us forgot, we sat up many nights talking about the past and laughing.

Marie Howe

I still remember when we were in high school (well I was in high school)  and you called my school and told them you were my father, Clayton Head, and you wanted to get me out early! You could have at least used the right name :) . There were countless moments like that over the last 8 yrs and Ill always be thankful I sat down to play cards with ya'll at the mall that night. I left not knowing I had made some of the best friends Ill ever have. Thank you for being there when I needed someone to talk to, when no one else understood. Ill miss you and see you again someday.


Total Memories: 37
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