Charles Clayton Howe - Online Memorial Website

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Charles Howe
Born in South Carolina
23 years
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Baby boy......I still have the giant Valentines card you gave me when we lived at Oakvale.......
God what I wouldnt give to go back to the time when you were with us.
I love you son. I miss you so.
Valentines Kisses for My Angel.

I love you a Million Bazillion.........Forever
Mama xxx-ooo
Memories are a funny think you have so many and know someone so completely, but they have a whole other life when they aren't with you.

I just want to thank everyone who is posting candles to Clay and to the ones who are posting their memories here as well. I see how much Clay was and IS loved by everyone- and all your thoughts and stories give me more to remember about him and his life.
So many of us are hurting- and hurting so badly- but Clay wouldn't have wanted us to grieve so badly. He would have wanted us to remember the good times(and the bad) and celebrate his life by being there for the love of his life"his Kathy" and for each other and just keeping his memory alive for his baby boy.
Please keep putting your memories on here...I promise I'll put more on his life story soon, but every time I start I break down and have to put it off again.
I know Clay is looking down on us and riding on our shoulder to keep us safe.

He came to me in a dream and told me that he heard everything we said when we talked to him and he was sorry that he couldn't communicate back like we wanted...but he does hear us when we talk to him. And I believe that with all my heart and soul.
Bless you all, and may God grant us peace and help us all deal with our Clay's passing.
As long as he lives in our memories- he is never truly gone from us.
Remember that JJ.

I remeber when Devon was about a week old and asleep in his crib in the room. Me and Kelly were sitting on the couch in the living room talking with the baby moniter on so I could hear him. You came in to visit and asked if you could go in the room to see the baby. I said of course and you went in there. Then me and Kelly hear you talking all softly to Devon and cooing and it was so funny! We were laughing so hard when you came back in the living room and you just looked at us and said "what"? Then you seen the baby moniter and you turned so red. That just made me laugh harder. It was sweet though and showed you had a soft side even if you didnt want anyone to know it. I miss you Clay. I keep expecting to see you pull up or call. I know we'll see you again someday and I look forward to it. Luv ya!
tasha gravely

So many memories! I would give anything to go back to elementry school when your mom baby sat us and me you and frank would hang out everyday i remember the time we went to bilo with aunt vada and frank stole tic-tacs and he got caught in the car with them your mom got so mad at him and we sat there trying not to laugh but we ended us laughing so hard we bout cried. Orange tic-tacs...who would think theyd have great memories...i remember when i was  in 1st grade and i had gotten some fundraiser canybars to sell and you and frank ate everyone of the 40 in one day and never even got caught with them. i remember us rolling down the hill behind papas house,sleding with or with out snow on the ground. ridding our bike but we were never to go past the last tree in the drive way but we always made it a little further each time. playing by the river at carolina. we always had so much fun i dont ever remeber us fighting about anything. I remeber coming to the hospital wen you got in your first wreck scared to death we were going to loose you then. you looked up at me with you swollen face and tried to laugh but it hurt. i asked you if there was anything i could get for you and you wanted a m&m mcflurry and dbl cheese burger. although you only took one bite i felt like i had made such a difference in you getting better,even if i didnt. after you got out of the hospital you came back to school and some guys were trying to pick a fight with you saying they would hit you in your head and me and frank almost got in so many fights so that you wouldnt get hurt again. I only wish that we had more time to make more memories. We miss you so much and love you baby cus. i hope to see you and papa again one day.

I remember the time when you was three and stood up on your chair in the middle of the lunch rush at Po'Folks and sang the Mike Benson radio morning Show song. How you beamed with smiles when you got all that applause.
I remember when you was 6 when you would sing along with the radio to "MY Baby Does the Hanky-Panky" and how we would laugh with you.
I remember how you would smile and wrap your arms around me when I wasn't feeling good and had a migraine and make it all better.
I remember the good times. I remember the tough times. And I remember how it was always each other we could count on to get us through those times.
I miss you Do. I just want to hug you and hold you again. I love you.
kathy howe
Today is New Years Eve i remember last year it was on a sunday me, clay, frank, and matt started the night at T.G.I Fridays cuz they could get $2 beer. well we was there til about 11 i keep tellin them we needed to go because we was going to game time to watch the ball drop, when i finally got them out of there we went to game time, and chefs and everything was full nowhere to park and to many people to get in, so we went to platnium were we was the only people cuz they couldn't serve beer, well clay was ready to leave no beer and the girls was to big for him to tolerate looking at, by then it was close to time for the ball to drop we was tring to find a place to at least watch the ball drop but it was to late we was riding in the car when the ball dropped at that point we chose to just go to steak n shake to eat than matts for a while. i guess its ironic clays life here ended his car just as our new year did last year.
kathy howe
Last Christmas we wanted to bring the family together and have a traditional christmas dinner. so we invited your family over to our house to give out gifts and eat dinner we decorated the house and put up two trees one in honor of your grandpa with the gold bulbs nanny gave us. the other tree i tried to get away with not putting up any lights but you thought that was the craziest thing a tree with no lights so to make you happy i put the lights on the tree. we cooked well i cooked a big dinner i know how much you liked it when i actually cooked. we all sat together in the dining room and shared our last christmas dinner. the only thing i would change about that night is for my pictures to have came out. but for it to be our last christmas with you i must say it was perfect and the most memorable. i love you merry christmas baby! this is a picture of me u and dennis at atlanta bread x- mas party last year
Clay was always the first one up at our house on Christmas. It was his favorite holiday!
Our last conversation he told me I had to stop using the "Christmas Stick"(his pet name for my artificial slim tree) because it just wasn't a "Mama" tree and he missed the smells of Christmas. He said now that he had a little one on the way he wanted his baby to know what a REAL Christmas was like- just like he had when he was growing up. And I promised that from now on I would have a REAL tree and do Christmas just the way I used to when he and his brother and sister was growing up. And hard as it has been to do it- I am keeping that promise to him- even this year.  I just wish he were still with us in body as well as spirit.
I miss him so much.
kathy howe

To night is the x-mas party at work. This will my first year going without you, which is hard but i know i'll get threw it.

Every year my job has a get together for the employees for x-mas it was only for employees but you still went with me every year, everyone at ABC looked at you as one of them because you spent so much time up there visiting me everyday. you even drove up there alot at night just to follow me home to make sure i made it home safely. every thursday you came to help me bake 3rd shift at work for no pay just because you didn't want me to be alone up there, and you didn't want me to walk to my car that late alone, and to spend that time with me. i loved working with you we was the perfect team. u was my protecter when i was with u i always felt safe and you spent our time together to ensure i made it home safely. im so sorry i couldn't do the same for you. i love u always.

kathy howe
last year for your birthday i got you a keyboard you was sooo happy it showed u i believed in you wanting to make music i know thats what meant most to you. i always supported you i knew there was no use fighting it you loved music and cars. after you opened your present we went to a sushi bar and didn't even order sushi because the menu was diffucult to understand. but i do remember how happy that keyboard made you, and coming home every night hearing you play it as i walked up to the door. you was so determined i loved it.
Total Memories: 37
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